Feelosophy of Birth: A Journal for Pregnancy by Brooke Martin


It's a pregnancy journal, 42 weeks of guidance, gratitude pages and inspirational quotes that will guide you towards a satisfying and empowered birth.

LEARN how to make choices that are aligned with your pregnancy and birthing desires. ACCESS to knowledge that empowers you. TRANSFORM fears into opportunities for transformation and growth.

This journal will act as a daily reminder to trust and delve into the sacred journey of pregnancy.

The inspirational quotes accompany weekly wisdom from an experienced pregnancy and birth coach and with this knowledge and guidance she can be assured that anything is possible.

Each day you are asked to explore what you are grateful for and how that attitude brings even more to be thankful for.

AWAKEN to your full potential

EMPOWER yourself with knowledge

MANIFEST the birth you desire for you and your baby

Beliefs are powerful and are often a conditioned way of believing from a very young age, coming from our parents, care givers and teachers. We learn from them.  Depending on the awareness and growth of the adult, children can either grow up with limiting beliefs about themselves, or beliefs that empower them to grow up living a life of possibilities and trust in themselves and their abilities no matter how challenging something may be.

When the author envisaged this journal she saw women taking the time to slow down, connect with their breath, their body and their baby.  Of writing in a journal, not sitting at a computer but being connected to writing from their heart. Sitting in the garden, a park, by the ocean, somewhere they could really take time out for themselves as they focus on growing their babies. After all doesn't life move fast enough? Isn't pregnancy the perfect time to slow down and connect to all the many changes that are taking place within your body, heart and mind?

Feelosophy of Birth is more than just a journal. It is an opportunity for change, for women to reconnect with their strength and wisdom that may have been lost as the birth process evolved from a deeply connected inner knowing to its present place of doubt and disconnect. Using the Feelosophy of Birth journal is a way to restore a woman’s faith in herself and her body as she brings her baby into being.


Publication Date:
1st June 2016
Melanie Spears
21.2 x 14.4cm

About the Author

Finding your path in life can often be a long and winding road. Sometimes the more we try to find what we are here to do the harder it can be to see what’s in front of us.

Being a Doula was never something I intentionally planned to do, but looking back now I see it was always going to find me. I spent a lot of my teenager years babysitting and even did my work experience in year ten at Westmead hospital working with the midwives for a week, which I loved, and then in childcare for the other week.

I was always a pretty creative child, playing make believe, dancing, singing and loved to perform. Throughout high school I excelled in drama and even won a scholarship to NIDA when I was in my final year of high school. I soon realised I was totally committed to pursing acting and here is where my path took a different turn.

For many years I followed my dream of acting and eventually it lead me to studying full time at W.A.A.P.A (Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts) this was an incredible experience and one I will never forget. It is certainly a big highlight in my life to date.

Studying to be an actor gave me confidence in my ability to communicate, to express myself and see life through many different lenses. It certainly wasn’t a walk in the park and there were many moments of self-doubt but I am truly grateful for the gift of acting as it has made me resilient, forced me to truly get to know myself and without these lessons I wouldn’t be the doula I am today.

Moving back to Sydney in 2006 after graduating was another journey, especially the one in where full time acting gigs aren’t exactly knocking on your door.

It was a conversation with a friend of mine who was pregnant at the time and happened to mention this course where you can study to become a Doula. I had no idea what a doula was but I was definitely intrigued. Sometimes fate really does have it all figured out.

It was a pretty easy decision to enrol in the doula course at The Australian Doula College. Another life changing course and one that would entirely change my career direction.

It’s been over ten years now and 200 births later; I’ve had the pleasure of supporting so many beautiful women, and have experienced the absolute joy of birth. I see now that nothing you ever study is wasted, it’s just leading you to the next thing.

From studying to be an actor to being a doula, and a yoga teacher its clear to me my path is in serving others. In learning as much as I can about life, myself and our journey here on this planet.

I hope one day our paths cross and I can be of service to you.

More Information
AuthorBrooke Martin
Dimensions21.2 x 14.4 cm
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